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from reviewsPERFECT GIFT
Perfect Gift for your baby and you! Provides the perfect snuggle for newborns, infants, and toddlers. Encourages wellbeing and relaxation in both mother and baby. Meets newborns’s need to be close to mother.
Every baby loves and needs being close to his/her mom. Noone Wrap Sling gives perfect environment to your baby with it’s lightweight and breathable material that stretches.
Give your arms a rest! Saves you arms from getting tired ! You get you hands back! Use less energy than in-arm carrying. You can easily do your housework or office work, and you will not be separated from your baby. It can be used both at home and outdoors.
Less Cry, More Sleep! Soothes baby when distressed. Your baby hears your heartbeats and feels safe.
Lifestyle Blog
Breastfeeding with wrap sling
Breastfeeding is one of the most natural and beneficial ways to nourish a baby. Not only does it pro
Benefits of using wrap sling
Wrap sling baby carriers are a popular choice among parents for a variety of reasons. Here are just
Why you should use wrap sling?
Mothers have been using baby carriers for centuries, but modern wrap slings have become increasingly